
Thursday 10 April 2014

A Poldark Cameo for Robin Ellis?

Photo by Forbes Collins
UPDATED 10 April 2014 with a BBC tweet

Robin Ellis, who played Ross in the original adaptation of #Poldark, will join our cast of for two episodes to play Reverend Halse.

Robin Ellis, star of the original Poldark series, may be set to cameo in the new BBC remake of the drama.

In an article in the  Express Robin says, “The production company took me out to lunch recently and asked me to be involved. We are a little way down the road. A cameo has been mentioned but nothing is fixed and I can’t say any more at the moment.”

Robin who played Ross Poldark in the 1970's drama, is still warmly associated with the role.  He says, “Poldark has done me nothing but good and I rejoice at having been in it. I’m very lucky. Very few actors are privileged to do a series that is so well received. It has been a bonus all my life.”

Robin has welcomed Aidan Turner as the new Ross and the pair have exchanged e-mails. And
Robin finds that, at the age of 72, he's ready to hand the role on to a new generation saying, "Even the thought of playing him is exhausting."

Fans of Poldark will be delighted if Robin were to appear in the new series. Fingers crossed that it happens.

Aidan Turner in Desperate Romantics. Photo Laurence Cendrowicz.


  1. Have you seen this entry on Robin Ellis' blog?


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