
Sunday 18 May 2014

Happy Birthday, Julian Seager

Julian Seager via Swathfansite 
Happy Birthday, Julian Seager!

Julian plays the landlord of the Red Lion in Poldark..
Julian may have come to acting later in life than most, with a part as a Russian Zombie Killer in World War Z, but he must be one of our busiest actors with small parts in over 50 productions since 2011. Honestly, it's almost hard to think of a production he hasn't been in! He's appeared on TV in Atlantis, Being Human, Doc Martin, Dr Who, Broadchurch, Merlin and many more. He's been in films like World's End, Rush, Skyfall, Thor2, The Muppets Most Wanted and Les Miserables - not to mention films not yet released like Guardians of the Galaxy, In the Heart of the Sea and Turner. He plays a leading role in She's Dead which won Best British Film in the Dark Zone Movie Days Festival 2013 in Germany.
You can follow him on Twitter @JulianSeager

Here's wishing Julian a Happy Birthday from Poldarked!

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