
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Poldark Episode 5 Clip: Verity and Demelza

Demelza tricks Verity into a tryst with Captain Blamey. Overwhelmed, Verity attempts to run off but they are caught in a riot over corn prices and Blamey must rescue them. Source: BBC


  1. excellent! I love this series

  2. Cornish resident2 April 2015 at 14:20

    This is a brilliant adaptation of Winston Graham's books which I've read many times and so far each episode improves on the last. Poor Aidan is having to put up with so much re his appearance, we're losing sight of his superb acting. He absolutely is Ross, portraying every aspect of this complicated man with great skill. Yes Robin Ellis was terrific but you have to see the two series as completely separate things, comparison is a waste of time. Casting is 5 star. Eleanor is just amazing as Demelza, she's so talented and is developing the character wonderfully. Her performance as she matures throughout episode 4 superb, particularly when you remember how young she is. The 'look' of the filming is beautiful, locations, costume and direction just can't be bettered and I have been a huge fan of he 70's series. It's worth watching each episode again on iPlayer so you see the small details so easily missed on one viewing. It's these small details as much as the obvious which makes the BBC so good at costume drama. The posts on the internet about hopeless Cornish accents are a diversion. I live here in Cornwall and what needs to be remembered is that a true Cornish accent is totally unlike that of anywhere else in the UK and difficult to imitate accurately. The locals who criticise should be pleased they are unique! On the whole the cast don't do a bad job. It would be fabulous to see the new series on the big screen, I believe the first episode shown at the cinema in Truro was fabulous - can't someone find a way to do it? One detail - somewhere it's reported that the epidemic which affects the family later in the next few episodes is scarlet fever. It was diphtheria, known to the 18thC and in the novel as 'morbid sore throat'. It was a big step for the BBC to decide to film Poldark again but they are to be congratulated. Surely they must do the sequel.

  3. Thank you. I agree the a BBC have created a beautiful piece of drama. It is a shame it is not a daily show.

  4. Wonderful series, being Cornish and being interested in the history of cornwall, I would love to be an extra in the new series. If they were to advertise for future extras, where would you find out about this? X

  5. Last year extras were recruited through Film Cast Cornwall

    Here is some info from last year


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