
Monday 20 April 2015

'Poldark' Tweets

Poldark was the top show for tweets in the 9-10 pm slot last night, which made it the second most tweeted programme on TV yesterday.

Last night's gripping episode notched up 8.3k tweets from some 3.8k individuals, which puts Poldark in the UK's weekly top 10 programmes at number 10. Yesterday,s top programme was The Andrew Marr Show with over 26,000 tweets.  The figures for Poldark are very similar to last week's when 3.9k people generated 8.1k tweets according to Kantar Media.

Although Episode 7 was pretty draining some tweets still raised a smile.

But most of us were...
Thanks for all your tweets. We do enjoy sharing the Poldark experience with you all.

Garrick via BBCOne

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