
Monday 27 April 2015

Viewing Figures for 'Poldark'

Photo: Mike Alsford

The final episode of Poldark was the most watched programme at 9 pm  last night with an audience of 5.9 million (25.4% of  all viewers) according to OvernightsTV.  This was an increase of some half a million viewers on the previous week.

The consolidated viewing figure for episode 7  (19 April, 2015)  was 6.8 million which was down from 7.2 m for episode 6.  These figures exclude BBC iplayer. Episode 7 of Poldark was the fourth most popular programme on BBC1 that week after three episodes of East Enders reports Barb.

Episode 3 of Poldark aired on ABC in Australia yesterday to an audience of 567,000 in the five city metro area. This was down from 595,000 for episode 2 but it was still in the daily top 10 programmes at number 9, reports TVTonight

Figures for Poldark on iplayer for the month of March can be found here.

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