
Tuesday 12 May 2015

Filming Poldark's Court Scene

Photo: Nick Kenyon

Aidan Turner and Robin Ellis
Photo: Nick Kenyon
A year ago they were filming the court scene in Poldark (episode 3) where Jim Carter is on trial. In the scene the new and the original Ross Poldark  (Aidan Turner and Robin Ellis) go head to head over Jim's sentence with Robin Ellis playing the Reverend Halse and Aidan Turner, Ross.

Robin wrote about the scene in his blog saying: 'When we wrapped at 5pm, the director, Ed Balzelgette, made a sweet remark to the assembly (many extras on hand) about the unusual circumstance of having two “Ross Poldarks” in the same room!
Everyone clapped–which was touching!
Aidan Turner (aka Ross Poldark) and I–all smiles–relieved we’d done it and happy we were smiling about it, shook hands warmly and vigorously.'

 BBC Breakfast  spoke to Aidan and Robin about filming Poldark. In this clip Aidan tells of Robin giving him the 'thumbs up' when the scene was over (at 40 sec)


Here are some pictures from the day.  All photos by Nick Kenyon

Photo: Nick Kenyon

Photo: Nick Kenyon

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