
Tuesday 26 May 2015

'Poldark' Preview Screenings in the US

A number of venues are holding preview screenings of Poldark prior to it airing on Masterpiece on 21 June.

Charleston: Digital Sky Theatre, 1 Clay Square. Thursday 11 June, RSVP here.  They also have posters to give away!

Nashville: Public Television, Franklin Theatre.  Thursday 11 June, 7pm  Free but booking required.  Book here

Worthington, Minnesota: Centre for Active Living, 211 11th Street, Thursday 11 June, 5pm for 5.45pm. Contact Nicole Zempel for more info.

Urbana, Illinois:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Main Library, 1408 W Gregory Dr.  Friday 12 June at 6.30 pm CDT for 7.15 start. Book here

Pittston, PA: Sordoni High definition Theater ,WVIA Studios, 100 WVIA Way, Sunday 14 June, 3pm  Book here

Baton Rouge, Louisiana: LPB British Dramedy Society, Manship Theatre, 100 Lafayette St., Baton Rouge, LA70801. Tuesday 16 June, 7pm  Book here

Binghamton: WSKG screening, Wednesday 17 June, 6pm. RSVP

Seattle:  KCTS 9 , 401 Mercer Street.  Thursday 18 June, 6.30 pm for 7.30 pm  screening.  Free event but RSVP required. Book here.

1 comment:

  1. Cornish resident31 May 2015 at 15:54

    Americans are welcome to come to Cornwall to see this beautiful place but just remember....the film crew had 6 weeks of amazing weather here last year. Currently it's June tomorrow, the temperature is only 13C with a chilly northerly wind and we had half an inch of rain last night. Come prepared!


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