
Saturday 5 December 2015

News Round -Up

Photo BBC
This week Poldark was being filmed in Frome, Somerset. Rumours of filming began on Tuesday
when props stared to appear on Gentle Street and the area around St John the Baptist Church was cordoned off. Although security was tight, some fans did get to see Aidan Turner.

Photo: @Maisie_lampard twitter
A group of film studies students were also invited on to the set.  Here's what natalielloydx on instagram said: Just finished on the set of Poldark for the day. We met Aidan Turner and he was seriously the chirpiest guy going ️ Huge thank you to Jo Lea, the 1st AD, for inviting us down for the day and to Charlie Palmer, the director, for being so kind as to answering any questions we had.

Other Poldark news:

  •  Jacqueline Fowler won the Royal Television Society Craft Award for Make-Up Design - Drama for her work on Poldark Series 1.
  • New cast member Amelia Clarkson was announced. Amelia plays Rosina Hoblyn, a character that features in Poldark throughout the saga.

Amelia Clarkson Photo:  Official Poldark
In other news, a deluge of promotional pictures of Aidan Turner in And Then There Were None were released by the BBC this week.  Here are a couple of examples:

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