
Monday 14 November 2016

'Poldark' Series Finale Viewing Figures

Demelza, Eleanor Tomlinson, Poldark S2, Episode 10, viewing figures

Congratulations Poldark!

It's one thing to start a TV series with great audience numbers but quite another to end on such a high, yet this is just what Poldark has done!

Last week the final episode of Series 2 brought in the best overnight viewing figures of the season with 5.8 million of us tuning in, that's a 26% share of the TV watching audience and the sort of figures we were seeing for S1 (OvernightsTV).  This has now been followed up with a seven day consolidated figure from Barb for episode 10 of 6.9 million* - again, back up to the levels of S1. Poldark was the BBC's eighth most popular programme of the week and it's best performing drama. Episode 9 also did well with 6.7 million, in line with the series 2 premiere on 4 September 2016.

The experts may mull over how much all this is due to the Victoria effect. I just want to say, well done Poldark!

*figures do not include BBC iplayer

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