
Tuesday 8 August 2017

'Poldark' - It's the Tweetest Thing

The finale of Poldark series three really got us talking if Twitter is anything to go by.

Poldark trended last Sunday with 69% more Tweets than the average for this series. Fans live-tweeted during the episode but the peak minute for Tweets was just after it ended with 161 Tweets posted at 10.08 pm.

Kantar Media says: Ross, Demelza and George were the most Tweeted about characters but actress Heida Reed had the most mentioned handle. Most [Tweets] were praising the acting and writing, and 'Admiration' was detected in 36% of these posts. Poldark's strong Twitter following didn't disappoint, with 8.3K Tweets posted by 3.1K Unique Authors on Sunday.

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