
Monday 8 July 2019

Harry Richardson Talks 'Poldark' Series Five

Photo:  BBC
Harry Richardson better known as Drake Carne recalls some of the wild and adventurous days he had filming the final series of Poldark: ‘There is a horrendous accident at one of the neighbouring mines this series and so Ross (Aidan Turner) and the gang head straight there to do their best to try and save people. It was amazing. Anytime we go down the mines and end up in these caves it is such an adventure. Sometimes the mines are real and we shoot on location and that is very spooky because we go deep underground through these tunnels. Sometimes they are mines built from scratch on giant sets made from rocks and polystyrene that are painted and are so believable that you are completely displaced when you’re in there, you feel like you are underground which adds to the fun as you are in this incredible space with a bunch of excitable guys. They gave us all tools or weapons and sent us on a mission, it felt like playing as a little boy again.’

Harry explains that while Poldark may be coming to an end, his visits to Cornwall are most definitely not: ‘I will seriously miss the beautiful locations we’ve been so lucky to film in. Cornwall is such an important character in this show and a beautiful landscape. I am definitely going to have to go back of my own accord and holiday there as it is home to some of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Cornwall can’t get rid of me that easily.’

Photo: BBC
Harry reveals what’s in store this series for Drake, including an incredibly bold and reckless decision he makes in the hope of healing the one he loves: ‘At the beginning of the series Drake and Morwenna (Ellise Chappell) have just gotten married and are very much in love but still find the ghost of Ossie and the trauma he caused lingering over their relationship. So it is a beautiful place to start, gently figuring out how to heal each other and love each other. Drake is desperately trying to help ease Morwenna through her troubles and to tackle the demons that still hang over her and that leads him to make an incredibly bold but foolish move. He is just doing everything he can to heal the person he loves.’

Morwenna and Drake have come on an incredible journey since we first met them in series three. Harry discusses what it is like to play such different versions of these characters and the challenges that posits: ‘The biggest challenge this year for me and for Drake has been patience. Drake has to constantly have an open heart and be understanding and patient with Morwenna as it is not fast moving or dramatic dealing with trauma in someone’s heart, it is very slow paced and open. Debbie (Horsfield) has written some beautiful scenes surrounding the idea of helping someone through PTSD without knowing it was even a thing back then. Those moments were a joy to film with Ellise but it was definitely challenging getting used to a much slower place for the two of them in comparison to when they were younger and it was all guns blazing. They were falling in love and nearly dying, whereas in this series their relationship is more complex and tender, trying to get Morwenna back on her feet and find peace again.

‘Working alongside Ellise has been the best experience. We are incredible friends and I couldn’t have asked for anyone lovelier to create this love story with. She has always been really patient with me and equally as bonkers.’

Playing Drake Carne has taught Harry to be a kinder human being: ‘No matter what situation Drake finds himself in, he operates from a place of kindness and open heartedness and so playing him has set a bar for how open hearted and devoted one can be. He makes me aspire to be nicer and kinder and whilst I don’t know if anyone is as sweet as Morwenna and Drake, we can try.

‘As an actor playing Drake has taught me how to stay with a character over a long period. We shot for three years, which has been amazing but it takes a lot of focus to stay with someone and you have responsibility to keep that character up. He also taught me how to grow in a role, Drake goes on such a journey over three years and Ellise and I had to figure out how to take the characters we created in series three and evolve with them as they have grown up.’

Related Links:
Aidan Turner Talks 'Poldark' Series Five
Eleanor Tomlinson on 'Poldark' Series Five
Jack Farthing on the Final Series of 'Poldark'
Luke Norris Talks 'Poldark' Series Five
Gabriella Wilde Talks 'Poldark' Series Five
Vincent Regan is Ned Despard in 'Poldark'
Kerri McLean is Kitty Despard in 'Poldark'
Ellise Chappell on 'Poldark' Series Five
Freddie Wise is Geoffrey Charles Poldark
Lily Dodsworth-Evans is Cecily Hanson in 'Poldark'
Sofia Oxenham is Tess Tregidden in 'Poldark'

Source:  BBC Press Pack

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