

Poldark Series Five
 Ross Poldark...................................................................... Aidan Turner
Demelza Poldark...................................................... Eleanor Tomlinson
George Warleggan............................................................. Jack Farthing
Dwight Enys.......................................................................... Luke Norris
Caroline Enys................................................................. Gabriella Wilde
Prudie Paynter................................................................... Beatie Edney
Morwenna Carne............................................................ Ellise Chappell
Drake Carne................................................................ Harry Richardson
Sam Carne............................................................................... Tom York
Geoffrey Charles Poldark................................................... Freddie Wise
Cary Warleggan.................................................................... Pip Torrens
Ned Despard.................................................................... Vincent Regan
Kitty Despard..................................................................... Kerri McLean
Cecily Hanson....................................................... Lily Dodsworth-Evans

Ralph Hanson................................................................... Peter Sullivan
Rosina Hoblyn............................................................... Amelia Clarkson
Zacky Martin ................................................................. Tristan Sturrock
Jacka Hoblyn.................................................................... John Macneill
Joseph Merceron................................................................. Tim Dutton
Harris Pascoe.................................................................... Richard Hope
Lady Whitworth............................................................... Rebecca Front
Tess Tregidden............................................................... Sofia Oxenham
James Hadfield............................................................... Andrew Gower
John MacNamara.................................................................. Eoin Lynch
William Wickham............................................................... Anthony Calf
James Bannatine........................................................ Norman Bowman
Thomas Erskine.................................................................. Peter Forbes
Lord Justice Kenyon....................................................... Simon Williams
Dr Penrose......................................................................... Simon Thorp
Lord Ellenborough............................................................ Richard Dixon
Sir Spencer Perceval.............................................................. Sam Crane
Valentine Warleggan.................................................... Woody Norman
Jeremy Poldark................................................................... Oscar Novak
Clowance Poldark..................................................... Wensdae Gibbons
Elizabeth Warleggan............................................................ Heida Reed

Poldark Series 4

Cast in alphabetical order
Lead Cast
Aidan Turner - Ross Poldark                    
Eleanor Tomlinson - Demelza

Cast in alphabetical order - incomplete
Ruby Bentall - Verity Poldark
Edward Bennett - Prime Minister Pitt
Max Bennett - Monk Adderley
Raphael J Bishop - Valentine
Christian Brassington - Rev. Osborne Whitworth
Ed Browning - Paul Daniel
Mike Burnside - Nathaniel Pearce
Ellise Chappell - Morwenn Chynoweth
Ciara Charteris - Emma Tregirls
Amelia Clarkson - Rosina Hoblyn 

Turlough Convery - Tom Harry
Esme Coy - Rowella Chynoweth
Louis Davison - Geoffrey Charles
Robert Daws - Dr Choake
Beatie Edney - Prudie
Robin Ellis - Reverend Dr Halse
Jack Farthing - George Warleggan
Rebecca Front - Lady Whitworth
Sean Gilder - Tholly Tregirls
Richard Hope - Harris Pascoe
John Hopkins - Sir Francis Basset
Robin McCallum - Justice Trhearne
John MacNeill- Jacka Hoblyn
Will Merrick - Arthur Solway
Luke Norris - Dr Dwight Enys
Siobhan O'Carroll - Amelia Chynoweth
Heida Reed - Elizabeth Warleggan
Harry Richardson - Drake Carne
Jack Riddiford - Jago Martin
Sophie Simnett - Andromeda Page
Jason Squibb - Reverend Odgers
Tristan Sturrock - Zacky Martin
Pip Torrens - Cary Warleggan
James Wilby - Lord Falmouth

Gabriella Wilde - Caroline Penvenen
Joshua Whitehouse - Hugh Armitage
Tom York - Sam Carne

Poldark Series 3

Cast in alphabetical order
Lead Cast
Aidan Turner - Ross Poldark                    
Eleanor Tomlinson - Demelza

Cast in alphabetical order - incomplete
Ruby Bentall - Verity Poldark
Caroline Blakiston - Aunt Agatha Poldark
Christian Brassington - Rev. Osborne Whitworth

Ed Browning - Paul Daniel
Nicholas Carpentier - Jacques Clisson
Ellise Chappell - Morwenn Chynoweth
Ciara Charteris - Emma Tregirls
Turlough Convery - Tom Harry
Esme Coy - Rowella Chynoweth
Beatie Edney - Prudie
Robin Ellis - Reverend Dr Halse
Zachary Fall - French Agent
Jack Farthing - George Warleggan
Jean Fillon - French Guard
Mark Frost - Tom Carne
Sean Gilder - Tholly Tregirls

Max Gold - Doctor
John Hollingworth - Captain Henshawe
Richard Hope - Harris Pascoe
John Hopkins - Sir Francis Basset
Will Husbands - Captain Trevose
Harry Marcus  - Geoffrey Charles
Will Merrick - Arthur Solway

Elsa Mollien - Mariette
Daisy Moore - Rosa
John Nettles - Ray Penvenen   
Merriel Plummer - Polly Tregaskis
Luke Norris - Dr Dwight Enys
Siobhan O'Carroll - Amelia Chynoweth 
Heida Reed - Elizabeth Warleggan
Harry Richardson - Drake Carne
Guillaume Rivaud - Vicomte de Sombreuil
Jason Squibb - Reverend Odgers
Tristan Sturrock - Zacky Martin
Pip Torrens - Cary Warleggan
Freddie Watkins - prisoner of war

James Wilby - Lord Falmouth
Gabriella Wilde - Caroline Penvenen
Jerry Wilson
Joshua Whitehouse - Hugh Armitage
Tom York - Sam Carne

Poldark Series 2

Cast in alphabetical order
Lead Cast
Aidan Turner - Ross Poldark                    
Eleanor Tomlinson - Demelza

Cast in alphabetical order
Sebastian Armesto - Tankard
Ruby Bentall - Verity Poldark
Caroline Blakiston - Aunt Agatha Poldark
Stephen Boxer - Justice Wentworth Lister
Ed Browning - Paul Daniel
Patrick Burrows - Joe Nanfan
Ben Callon - Trooper Wilkins
Katheryn Carmichael - Rich lady
Amelia Clarkson - Rosina Hoblyn
Turlough Convery - Tom Harry
Michael Culkin - Horace Treneglos
Phil Davis - Jud Paynter
Marc Danbury - Jim Vercoe
Sally Dexter - Mrs Chynoweth
Richard Dillane - Henry Bull
Beatie Edney - Prudie
Robin Ellis - Reverend Halse
Jack Farthing - George Warleggan
Derek Frood - Captain Bray
Mark Frost - Tom Carne
Chris Gallarus - Clerk to the Court
Henry Garrett - Captain McNeil
Ross Green - Charlie Kempthorne
Jason Gregg - Eli Clemmow
Richard Harrington - Captain Andrew Blamey
John Hollingworth - Captain Henshawe
Richard Hope - Harris Pascoe
Steve Jacobs - Landlord (Bodmin)
Crystal Leaity - Margaret
John MacNeill- Jacka Hoblyn
Stuart McNeill - Kemp
Richard McCabe - Trencrom
Andrew McGillan - Jury foreman
William Mannering - KC Jeffrey Clymer
Alex Morris - James Blamey
John Nettles - Ray Penvenen
Luke Norris - Dr Dwight Enys 
Gracee O'Brien - Jinny Martin
Isabella Parriss - Esther Blamey
Lewis Peek - Ted Carkeek
Sean Pogmore - Nick Vigus
Nicholsa Read - Geoffrey Charles
Heida Reed - Elizabeth
Rose Reynolds - Betty Carkeek
Patrick Ryecart - Sir Hugh Bodrugan
Hugh Skinner - Unwin Trevaunance
Kyle Soller - Francis Poldark
Emma Spurgin Hussey - Mrs Zacky Martin
Scott Stevenson - Hugh Dagge MP
Tristan Sturrock - Zacky Martin
Pip Torrens - Cary Warleggan
Samuel Valentine - Jack Tripp
Gabriella Wilde - Caroline Penvenen
Max Willis - Geoffrey Charles
Rory Wilton - Richard Tonkin

Poldark Series 1
Lead Cast
Aidan Turner - Ross Poldark                    
Eleanor Tomlinson - Demelza

Announced cast in alphabetical order
Alexander Arnold - Jim Carter
Harriet Ballard - Ruth Teague
Sabrina Bartlett - Keren Daniel 
Ruby Bentall - Verity Poldark
Geoffrey Bersey - Chairman
Caroline Blakiston - Aunt Agatha Poldark
Ed Browning - Paul Daniel
Warren Clarke - Charles Poldark
Daniel Cook - John Treneglos
Jenny Coverack - Connie Carter
Michael Culkin - Horace Treneglos
Phil Davis - Jud Paynter
Robert Daws - Dr Choake
Tim Delap - Captain
Sally Dexter - Mrs Chynoweth
Beatie Edney - Prudie
David Ellis - Supporting actor- Tavern Drinker and Court Attendee
Robin Ellis - Reverend Halse
Jack Farthing - George Warleggan
Derek Frood - Captain Bray
Mark Frost - Tom Carne
Henry Garrett - Captain McNeil
Billy Geraghty - Blight
Chris Green - Musician
Gruffud Glyn - Sargeant Tremayne
Richard Harrington - Captain Andrew Blamey
John Hollingworth - Captain Henshawe
Richard Hope - Harris Pascoe
Rebecca Emma Hutton - Patience Teague
Jason Gregg - Supporting actor -Angry Miner
Crystal Leaity - Margaret
Will Mattos - Nick Vigus
Simon Meacock - Jailer
Luke Norris - Dr Dwight Enys 
Gracee O'Brien - Jinny Martin
James Michael Rankin - Supporting actor - Miner
Heida Reed - Elizabeth
Patrick Ryecart - Sir Hugh Bodrugan
Julian Seager - Landlord at the Red Lion
Tim Seyfert - Redcoat soldier
Hywel Simons - Blewitt
Kyle Soller - Francis Poldark
Emma Spurgin Hussey - Mrs Zacky Martin
Jason Squibb - Reverend Clarence Odgers
Tristan Sturrock - Zacky Martin
Hywel Simons - Harry Blewitt
Jason Thorpe - Matthew Sanson
Pip Torrens - Cary Warleggan
Lauren Vandike - Beth Daniel
Darcy Vanhinsbergh - Soldier
Matthew Wilson - Mark Daniel
Rory Wilton - Richard Tonkin
Mary Woodvine - Mrs Teague


  1. I don't see Aunt Agatha cast yet, surely they're not leaving her out. She's a pivotal character, humorous and colorful. I think Judy Parfitt (Call the Midwife's Sister Monica Joan) would be great!

    1. I'm sure she will be in. She's a terrific character. This list gives the cast announcements to date. There's plenty more to come!

    2. Great Aunt Agatha is a wonderful woman but she does definitely speak her mind though and can sometimes say things that insult people without knowing

  2. I'm really hoping that this series makes it to BBC Canada eventually. It has such a great cast and the story is so good!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh I can't wait for this to be screened, and some of the casting is fab, Phil DAvis as Jud, pure Brill, and even Robin Ellis as the REvenered, so far, looking good. nearly 40 years i've waited for this to come round again, loved it so much, called my Son Ross, back in 1977, now thats true love.

  4. I hope to see it eventually too. I'm in Newfoundland, Canada and from all the video clips and interviews I've seen of this, I can't wait to see it.

  5. How do people go about being an extra in the new series?

    1. Dear Sir/Madame
      I don't know if there going to use all the extras from series one but i think if you type in "being an extra" on this website you should get a page about becoming a extra even though it was posted in 2014 i contacted the woman who posted it and she replied
      your truly

    2. Thank you very much! I will try that. Thank you :D

  6. how old has the extras have to be in the new series
    will there be any maintenance men needed

  7. Does anyone know if there are auditions for a teenage girl on this show? I would love to start my acting career and to start as a side role or a character that shows up for a couple of episodes would be great! Thank you and let me know if there are any auditions!

  8. being an extra
    how do we become a extra


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